

File history uploaded by Alan Liu 8 years, 1 month ago
SAMPLE MALLET COMMANDS FOR WINDOWS (vary path\folder names as needed):

(1) To input a directory of plain text files for topic modeling (outputting a data file called topics.mallet):

--input C:\Users\[your_username]\Desktop\[your_inputfolder] --output C:\workspace\1\topics.mallet --keep-sequence --remove-stopwords

(2) To build a topic model from the topics.mallet data file (vary the number of requested topics as needed):

bin\mallet train-topics  --input C:\workspace\1\topics.mallet --num-topics 50 --optimize-interval 20 --output-state C:\workspace\1\topic_state.gz --output-topic-keys C:\workspace\1\keys.txt --output-doc-topics C:\workspace\1\composition.txt --word-topic-counts-file C:\workspace\1\topic_counts.txt

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