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Workshop Workstation Set-up

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 8 years, 4 months ago

This page is designed to aid U. San Francisco technical staff in setting up the machines in the lab. However, workshop participants can use the specs to set up a duplicate of the working environment for the workshop on their own computers if they wish.


Tools below have versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Ideally, the workshop lab will have both Windows and Mac machines to suit users' preferences.


(A) Software to be pre-installed on lab workstations

  • Antconc -- download site
    • Note on installation: Antconc runs simply from an executable file. No further installation of the program is required.
  • Topic Modeling Tool -- download site (update: newer 2016 version: download from Github repository site)
    • Dependency: requires Java
  • MALLET -- download site
    •  Dependency: requires Java developer's kit (JDK)
    • Note on installation:  Follow the instructions in The Programming Historian's guide: : "Getting Started with Topic Modeling and MALLET"
      • Important: as noted in the above guide, MALLET must be installed in the root directory on a Windows machine (C:\) or in the equivalent root directory for the user on a Mac machine (./~/). On a Windows machine, an environment variable must be set for MALLET_HOME that goes to the path where MALLET is installed.
  • Gephi -- download site
    • Dependency: Java
    • Note on installation: It's important to install the latest version of Gephi (0.9 or later). Previous versions are dependent on obsolete versions of Java and have other problems.
  • Utilities:
    • Jing (screencapture and image sharing tool)
  • Common programs (install if not already on the workstations):


(B) Workspace folder and resources to be set up in advance on lab workstations

Note: Because some of the programs used in the workshop are command-line tools, it is important for the user to be able to work in a workspace folder as near to the top of the root of the workstation as possible (for the sake of shorter path names and fewer mistakes).

  • Main workspace folder:
    • Windows: C:\workpace
    • Mac: Users/[your username]
      • May be shortened by users to ./~/ in path names
    • Contents of workspace folder:
      • Buckley-Salton-stopword-list.txt (download text file from here and save it in the folder with a .txt extension: Buckley-Salton-stopword-list.txt )
      • Subfolder:
        • \1  (That is: path name: C:\workspace\1 or ./~/1   This sets up an initial subfolder for users to work on a particular dataset. Users can then experiment with iterations of their work by simply creating new subfolders named 2, 3, 4, etc.)


(C) Desktop folder to be set up in advance on lab workstations

Workshops benefit greatly from participants having a unified environment where everything is ready to hand and aren't wasting time looking for tools and resources.  So it's important to create the following desktop folder and stock it with shortcuts in advance:

  • Desktop folder named "DH Workshop".  Contents of the folder:
    1. Shortcut to desktop folder for user on local machine
    2. Shortcut to "Downloads" folder for user on local machine
    3. Shortcut to C:\workspace folder on local machine (or equivalent Mac path)
    4. Shortcut (link to USF Workshop Agenda page)
    5. Shortcut (link to Datasets For Workshop page)
    6. Shortcut (link to Stopword Lists)
    7. Shortcut (link to sample-mallet-commands-for-windows.txt)
    8. Shortcut (link to USF Workshop "Souvenirs" page)
    9. Shortcut (to locally installed program: Antconc)
    10. Shortcut (to locally installed program: Topic Modeling Tool)
    11. Shortcut (to locally installed program: Gephi)
    12. Shortcut (to locally installed program: Jing)
    13. Shortcut (to Windows command prompt or Mac terminal) -- Note: Windows command prompt window should be set to allow "quick edit" (configure by clicking on the little icon at top left of the window, selecting "Properties," and checking the box for "Quick Edit").
    14. Shortcut (link to Voyant Tools)
    15. Shortcut (link to In-Browser Topic Modeling Tool)
    16. Shortcut (link to Netlytic)


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